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May 07, 2024

Galaxsys Chat - Key to Maximizing Player Engagement

Anna Gordienco
Galaxsys Chat - Key to Maximizing Player Engagement
Galaxsys Chat - Key to Maximizing Player Engagement
Imagine a world where every player feels connected and heard. That's the vision behind Galaxsys Chat. By introducing real-time messaging, threaded conversations, and personalized stickers, Galaxsys Chat revolutionizes player interaction, making every gaming session feel like a lively conversation among friends. It's not just about communicating – it's about building relationships and enhancing player engagement.

What is Chat tool?

Galaxsys Chat introduces real-time messaging, threaded conversations, and personalized stickers, placing the players at the heart of dynamic discussions. The tool not only enhances players' trust in operators but also substantially prolongs session durations and encourages extensive exploration of games. As a result, there is a notable increase in both betting frequency and overall playing time.

Key Components and Features

So, what sets Galaxsys Chat apart? Let's dive into its key components and features that make it the ultimate tool for maximizing player engagement.

Real-Time Communication

Real-time messaging in the chat allows players to communicate with one another seamlessly.

Registered Players

The chat service is accessible to all registered players, enhancing community interaction.

Message Variety

Players can exchange text messages, customizable stickers, and GIFs, providing a dynamic conversation experience.

Group Chat Focus

Exclusive group chat functionality encourages discussions among multiple players.

Message Replies

Replying to specific messages in the chat fosters threaded conversations and improved discussion organization.

Like/Unlike Messages

Players can express their appreciation for messages by liking/ unliking them. The total count of likes is displayed for added interaction.

Specialized Stickers

Partners can create unique stickers for each game, adding a personalized touch to the chat experience.

Distinct User Roles

  • Chat Administrators have the power to configure chat settings, block users, and make adjustments from the Back Office.

  • Chat Influencers are associated with specific partners, with their messages visible only to that partner's players, marked with a special visual effect.

  • Regular Users engage in conversations with fellow players.

Winnings Sharing

Players can easily share noteworthy winnings (configurable by Admin) exceeding a specified threshold (e.g., x100). Players have the freedom to either share or dismiss the suggestion according to their preference.

Profanity Filter

A built-in, customizable profanity filter maintains a friendly and respectful chat environment by preventing offensive language.

Chat History

Players have access to a record of past messages, facilitating the review of previous conversations (up to the last 100 messages).

Why Choose Galaxsys Chat?

Integrating Galaxsys Chat into your gaming platform offers a wide range of benefits that extend beyond mere communication. From enhanced player engagement and strengthened community interaction to streamlined communication channels and personalized experiences, Galaxsys Chat enriches the gaming experience in so many ways and empowers players to connect, collaborate, and celebrate achievements, ultimately fostering a dynamic and vibrant gaming community.

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